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Christmas Objects

A Message that Should Last 365 Days of the Year

I have no idea where you may be or what you will be doing at the time you read this page. And that is my point... EXACTLY.

As I am writing this very early morning it does happen to be December 25th, Christmas Day. A day in which we plan holidays, travelling, cooking, decorating, buying those special gifts and getting together for this special occasion.

A day set aside to remember 'the reason for the season'.

Unfortunately, for many, it is the one day of the year that they will dutifully attend a church service. It saddens me to think that there are many who miss out on the joy of having Him in their midst every day of the year.

However, that is their choice.

Christmas Day passes in a blink after all the weeks of planning & then it is over for another year. For many, it is a relief that it's over.

Slowly, we get back to our normal routines. The glitz part of Christmas is over. The tree and all the trimmings are packed away. The leftovers of all our meal preparations have been consumed & back to work & school we go. Children are excited to show off their new outfits & special presents. Mom loves her new blender or coffee machine. Dad finally got his own flatscreen for the den...

... So what happens to that 'reason for the season?'

If Christ is our main reason then Christmas isn't over. It has just begun. There are 364 more days until His next birthday.

When we have birthdays, we don't only celebrate one day and then are left or forgotten for the rest of the year. That's not how it goes. Why should it be any different for our Lord?

Every day should be Christmas Day. He brings us new gifts each morning. We thank Him for another day in which to serve Him.

He brings us to His banquet table and His banner over us... is LOVE. Undying, unconditional LOVE that doesn't cease because the leftovers have been devoured.

And most important, 365 days of the year, His Christmas gift to us, His children, is eternal life.

We need to remember Christmas... Every morning & be thankful that no matter what we may have to go through today, He is the one who came to Earth to serve us on that first Christmas night in Bethlehem.

Therefore, how do we limit celebrating His birthday to only one day of the year?

Personally, I would be heartbroken if my friends or family only visited me on my birthday, dropped off their gift and cards and then I never heard from them for another year.

They had done their 'duty' and visited me on that one day on the calendar.

Why should we think the Lord is any less hurt if that's what we do to Him?

Wherever you are at this moment, it could be in the heat of summer, it doesn't matter because every day is the same to our Lord.

Just put all those concerns of today on hold for a few moments and thank Him for Christmas Day.

His birthday that brought everyone else a gift:

"The gift that keeps on giving." AMEN!

Excerpt from the book "101 Promises" by Marlane Lillian Mazur.

Blessings, Dear Readers as the New Year is upon us. May strong Faith, Hope, Peace & Joy fill your hearts. Also the greatest of God's gift to us - His LOVE! 365 days of the Year. - Marlane.


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