I have come to a conclusion about myself. It seems all my writing has cleared my vision on so many things I needed to learn about myself, and those who have shared this journey of mine so far. It has been an exciting path, page after page, as I write my way through. So much of it has been about gathering memories. The most important lesson about myself is knowing it is alright for me to keep my childlike faith. There is no time limit.
Yes, in certain things I know we are to put away childish things. That hasn’t anything to do with how we use our faith. The Lord says that we should come to Him with the faith of a child. He doesn’t give us a cutoff date.
Although I am past retirement age, I find I am still filled with a lot of that same curiosity I always had as a child. I still seek answers to everything.
“Why?” Still happens to be one of my favourite words. My sister Alice told me long ago that I would never have an hour of boredom in my life, because I always had something to research about. The ‘why factor’.
I’d always wanted a brother, so I treasure my memories about my 3 brother-in-laws.
My sister Lorna’s husband, Richard, loved my curiosity and interest in cars, and how to fix them. I remember how he taught me to change the oil in my vehicle. He always bought me tools. I loved having my own sets of them AND especially learning how to use them.
Ron, my sister Eve’s husband, was the one I talked to about everything. He had a very deep faith, and that was what we shared about the most. Not a lot of people knew what our deep discussions were always all about. They were wonderful hours and he knew so much about life in general. I remember sitting and listening to his philosophy on so many things that he had experienced in his own life. I still miss the sound of his voice. He was an awesome Dad to my nieces, and to every child besides his own who came through their door.
My sister Alice’s husband (George) is the one who I will always remember & respect for his help and advice. He kept me seriously interested in painting and writing. He promoted my work and gave me my first job. He was so generous with financial help, very smart about business, & always tried to give me good advice.
I will treasure these memories for as long as my own memory lasts, and I am grateful for the chance to have their wonderful qualities written in my books. I still remember so many things about each one of them that they taught me, & I have used all through the years of my life.
I love the way children can always look at things as though seeing it for the first time. However, for those of us at this stage in our lives, or if we’ve come through some very traumatic health problems and have been given a brand new day, we are blessed to have this day added to our life cycle. Today, we can treat it as a child seeing it for the first time, because it actually is the first day of the rest of our lives.
The Lord’s memory is timeless, and nothing less than forever.
Still, He chooses not only to forgive, but to forget our past. That is a PROMISE that He gives with a clean slate the moment we give our heart to Him. We become brand new creations into the kingdom and eternity.
THAT is something we should try to remember every day.
These are miracles, and that is reason enough to keep that anticipation about everything. Children have that sense of wonder, and if we as adults could hold onto or kindle that enthusiasm, I believe it would enrich us all the more.
The Lord has begun the work. We are His sheep and we will always need Him to guide us and tend to our needs. This is so important to know and to believe. None of us are fatherless. We are kids of His kingdom, whether we are five or 95 and up! He will give us the freedom that allows us to see for ourselves how far we can go in faith.
We will never know what heights we are able to reach, unless we attempt to fly. In order for us to do that, He must allow us the freedom we need to ‘ test our wings’ and to make each day count. Remember, we do not get them back to do over.
I have been sincerely teaching myself to do these very things. My writing really makes a difference because I have the visual memories to look back on as well as the written stories. I am thankful for these memories more and more as I get older and older. I am blessed that, although the Lord knows everything about us, He Promises His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness as we walk through life with Him making those memories each day. I believe that this is how it is done.
In my books I’ve left spaces for my readers to write in, or I would encourage you to buy a journal and write these precious memories down whenever you can. I have beautiful little stories written from when I was a child that I would’ve never ever remembered to this day had I not written them out and when I read them, those memories become fully active & new once again! My Dear Readers, this is how memories are made and kept, and it’s very easy to do.
Blessings as you gather your own memories.
Excerpted from the book "101 Promises" by Marlane Lillian Mazur.