Dear Readers, do you sometimes look at yourself too critically? I believe I do, perhaps even more than I should. I don’t do that when I look at others, but I tend to pick on myself quite a bit at times.
Why do we do that? I often wonder about this because if God loves us the way we are… Then we should be walking around on cloud nine!
We do not always think of ourselves as new creatures daily, but that is what we are.
When God sent His Son, Jesus, He came to make all things new again, and we were set free from the slavery of sin.
That’s us! When we sincerely give our hearts to the Lord, we become brand new, and that is how our Lord & Heavenly Father sees us. We are being transformed daily into the image of Jesus. Gradually our faith in what is planned for us keeps us strong, and we grow in wisdom one step at a time.
We are able to rise above our circumstances and blossom from glory to glory, because of the work He is doing in us.
Therefore, what’s not to like about ourselves? We have this assurance, His promise in Romans, Chapter 8: “For we know that it is the Lord who works all things for good in those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.”
He has filled us with His light. He even instructs us how to use this light:
“Let your light shine out of darkness, so everyone may see My glory displayed on the faces of those who love Me.”
2 Cor. 4-6.
The most important thing we need to remember is that we are children of God. We should feel secure in who we are while always looking ahead to become more like Him.
He knows our frame. We may be far from perfect now, but we have the promise that we will be perfect one day.
We should truly rejoice because that is how He accepts us.
Remember, He loves us far more above anything that we could ever do for Him. He loves us because of who we are, the children He has redeemed.
If we continually pick on ourselves, He is going to correct that because of His own promise that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. We need to remind ourselves of that, especially if something has gone wrong and we haven’t responded exactly the way we should have.
Our judgement towards ourselves isn’t necessary any longer. We are chosen vessels. We are worthy and we are the instruments that He has chosen to use. We all have a different mission, different gifts to impart, but we are all needed and we have the Holy Spirit to help us and guide us.
Let’s just praise Him for that unconditional love that He has for us. Let’s continually strive to do our best every day, and realize that all days aren’t going to be about sunshine and rose gardens. We do slip here and there, and many times situations happen that are beyond our own control. But let’s just try to pick ourselves up and move ahead, because He did not create us to be wimps! We have to walk down rough and rugged paths at times, and we cannot ‘wimp out’ because that is when we call out for the full armour of God!
He promises to never give us more than we can handle, and I admit there are days when I do question that about myself, but I’m still here writing today… this brand new day… so whatever it was, I made it through.
Let’s thank Him for the promises that we are fearfully and wonderfully made right to the number of hairs upon our heads. Yes, even those gray ones which I call ‘strands of wisdom’.
For today, Dear Readers, ask Him to help us see and accept ourselves and others, as we are… through Your eyes, Lord, not our own.
Blessings, Marlane.
Excerpted from the book "101 Promises" by Marlane Lillian Mazur.